Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Its Like Being Happy

What It's Like Being Happy Photo by natalieecollins via Instagram. My friends, family, random acquaintances, and even those I’m not particularly fond of are able to tell. They know that I’m happy. Some of them say that they’re genuinely excited for me, when I know that they’re not. Several seem almost mad about it. That’s jealously and selfishness, and you can’t really expect more from people, I’m afraid. Some could care less. Others seem legitimately pleased and tell me things like “If anyone deserves this, it’s you”, or “I’m so glad things are finally turning around for you”. I like when they’re able to feel happy from my happiness. Genuine happiness can’t be taken away from you either; you can only spread the disease to more and more people. I can’t even begin to describe you what happiness has done for my overall health. My long list of prescriptions is starting to dwindle down; you’re more likely to find me outside in the sun than in bed hiding under my covers; I notice myself being comfortable with complete strangers, and because of this, I’ve made more friends in a few weeks then I did in a whole semester. I’m a more thoughtful and compassionate person, acquaintance, best friend, sister, daughter than usual. Instead of being consumed with my struggles and shortcomings, I try to help others see the brighter side of their own. I’m basically Mother Teresa these days. Your question is probably the same as mine â€"  how the hell did this happen? How can I achieve this blissful emotion you speak of? I wish I knew the answer. Part of me believes in karma, not that I’ve had a particularly tragic life that’s rewarded me with this period of peace. Another part of me thinks that whatever medication I’m on is really working this time. The spiritual side of me has determined that I’ve always been happy, and it just took a bit of digging and uncovering to find it. Whatever the case may be, the whole of me knows that if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.

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